
The biblical evidence of "abiding" is that a believer is continually developing spiritually - growing, learning, and being steadfast. The question, however, is how does all of this happen in a practical way?

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Gary Fleetwood
Spiritual Notifications

We must be wise stewards of all of our resources, and use well, for the glory of Christ, all that we have been given.  The question for us, is how do we connect well in a culture such as this?  How do we stay connected spiritually without being distracted?

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Tracy Trivette

The most telling conviction about a man is what he truly believes about God.  That is the ultimate acid test of ministry - what does a man believe and teach about God. 

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Gary Fleetwood
An Opportunity to Bear Witness

"Bear witness" is translated from the Greek word martyrion which means to provide direct knowledge about a person or event, that which serves as testimony or proof… We are called to "bear witness" - to speak a statement of testimony about Jesus Christ our Lord - in the heat of opposition and in the most difficult of times.

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Bret Sullivan